Wappu is this year again long and exhausting. In this page you can find contacts and other useful informations in any case of emergency as well as corona guidelines for Wappu celebrators.

Emergency number in Finland: 112

Address of Skinnarila campus: Yliopistonkatu 34, 53850 Lappeenranta

Address of Lahti campus: Mukkulankatu 19, 15210 Lahti


Harassment contact persons

The official harassment contact persons of LTKY in Lappeenranta are:

Katja Immonen ([email protected], 044 293 8809) ja

Tiia Kettunen ([email protected], 044 293 8825).

Please contact them or your own guild’s harassment contact persons when needed. LTKY does not accept any kind of discrimination or harassment.


FSHS – Primary healthcare for students

Assessing of need for treatment and booking appointment: 046 710 1073. Read more about callback service in here. You can also use all other FSHS service points anywhere in Finland.

Checking and canceling your booked appointments in Self service in yths.fi. You can also cancel your appointment via phone in the number above when the phone service is open. There is a fee for uncancelled appointments if not used.

FSHS is open during weekdays. See the opening hours on yths.fi.

When the FSHS service point is closed:

For sudden injuries or sickness see Ekhva

Outside office hours and on weekends on duty is South Karelia Medical center, Valto Käkelän katu 1.

Please note, that using municipal (Ekhva) health-care services may cost fees by year or appointment, that FSHS will not cover.  

Useful information for Wappu participants

  • Do not take part in any event if you feel sick
  • Do not share the mouth of the bottle with other
  • Take care of your friends and others
  • In addition, follow the up-to-date instructions of LUT, LTKY and KOE on exceptional circumstances.