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LTKY's month: November

LTKY’s month: November

The LTKY’s month concept is a continuation of the LTKY’s week concept on social media and it goes deeper into LTKY’s operations and achievements. The purpose of the concept is to increase transparency and awareness for those interested in LTKY’s operations.


  • Lassi Onne (Culture)

    November has had small tasks that had to be done from here and there. During sustainability week I had to oversee the building of bug hotels with KOE board members. Also I have attended finnish student union associations culture sektor meeting, represented our student union in annual balls, held student union tours for freshmen and organized few events.

    I attended two annual balls Hämäläisen osakunnan 368 ball and Chemical engineering guild KeTeK Ry 47. During Hämäläisen osakunnan annual ball I asked the Wiipurilaisen osakunnan boardmember about the yearly Vyborg days and they promised to organize the next.

    Also we held a teekkari leader seminar Saimaa Ilmiö in lappeen Ranta, but I could participate whole weekend because I had to represent student union in KeTeK Ry’s annual ball on saturday.

    Also I have organized and planned Tontturieha and independence day torch procession.

  • Matilda Orpana (Communications, Environment and sustainability)

    November started with Sustainability Week. I took care of it’s communications and some other arrangements. In the beginning of the month Saimaa-ilmiö was also organized, and student influencers from all over the country participated. LTKY’s new board search started, and I planned, designed and executed its 2 week long communications. It was the biggest and most time consuming project of this month. On top of that I have posted about current things and posted our weekly series together with our communications manager Oona. We have also written a communications guide for next year with Oona.

  • Olivia Kuronen (Social Politics, Well-being, Sports, International Affairs)

    November was the busiest month of the year with two trips to general assemblies. First we participated to Finnish Student Sports Federation OLL’s general assembly with Anniina at Kuortane Olympic Training Centre. As typical for general assembly, in the two-day meeting we reviewed the federation’s  policy paper and other documents that guide their operations and work first in working groups and later in the Great Hall. In addition, greetings were heard, and a new chairman and board were elected for the Fedeartion. One week later, the same was done at the general aseembly of the National Union Of University Students in Finland SYL, in which we participated as a delegation of seven people. The general assemblies were a very invigorating new thing before the end of this year. It was nice to see other student union members, some of whose faces and names I have been able to see only through Zoom so far, if either. It was also great to hear and see how impressive work we, students, do at the national level and how we have so comprehensive discussion and argumentation skills as well as diverse of opinions.

    In November, for the first time, a week focusing on international events was held. Guring the week we had an international sitz party, students were able to hear about Finnish work and job search culture and got acquainted with guilds at the guild room appro tour. Despite the fairly quick planning and implementation of the week, first-time events and so on, there was a good number of people attending and good discussion with international students. This was a great experiment to go on and start planning next year’s activities!

    On the well-being and exercise side, me and Roosa, we met the study psychologist Milja. We discussed the current issues, how cooperation could be improved and about the needs of our students. Planning for exercise/hobby tutoring for next year continues, and courses that increase peer activity have also been discussed. On the last day of the month, I participated a webinar of the national student welfare network where community and loneliness of the students were considered, as well as the last meeting of the LUT welfare working group of the year.

    Now towards the end of the year, towards the last meetings and summaries of the projects as well as the orientation of new board members. Good luck everyone for the rest of the year .

  • Senni Auvinen (Vice President, Municipal Policy, Events, Organizations, Tutoring)

    Last LTKY’s Month text – did I just write the first one? In November, we will be more focused on changing the board and completing our own projects. Planning the induction of new board members is important to ensure that the knowledge passes on for next year. This month I have prepared with KOEs Emma LTKY and KOE for the county elections in January. We have designed a campaign to get students excited about the voting and candidacy. We created a county election theme week, which includes county election information in some, a blog post, and an Instagram live broadcast.
    We have planned the future of Lahti’s student activities. Together with the guilds, we have created an action plan for setting up our own guild of Lahti teekkaris. LTKY and the Guilds of Lappeenranta intend to help and support new students in Lahti in starting their own, self-directed student organization activities. This process is scheduled to begin in January 2022.
    I have also been heavily involved in whole board concerning projects. As vice president, I have replaced Anniina in a few places representing LTKY.



  • Pia Kuosmanen (Lahti campus, Community development, member service)

    November has taken off with local communications and event planning. I have participated in a meeting where students were asked about their perspectives on Lahti’s advertising as a student city and I participated in the planning of the Lahti campus overall badge day. A larger project has been the Lahti Pikkujoulu sitz party, which will be held together with the Tekniikan Akateemiset and Lahden diplomi-insinöörit during December. In November, student culture has also been developed by fitting teekkari caps and planning to start guild activities for Lahti students.

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